Thursday, November 3, 2016

First Holy Communion Dresses being worn in my Parish

This year I had the honour to make two dresses for two of the little girls in my parish who received Our Blessed Lord for the first time. Even though they were the nearest of all it has taken me rather a long time to get some pictures of them!

Miss H being chauffeur driven to the Church
(the family usually walk for 40 minutes to get there, that would have been a bit much in her finery!)


The mantilla veil was a kind gift from a parishioner,
And her Godmother ordered a matching bag to go with the dress.

Miss E's dress was made from a beautiful cotton lace, with a cotton under layer.
It should last as she has (so far) two younger sisters to come after her!

A Happy Day!

It was lovely to be able to see my handiwork being worn for the first time ever!


  1. Adorable and bound to become heirlooms! The mantilla Miss H. Is wearing is exquisite too. You must have been so pleased! Well done.

  2. Thank you G G, yes she still wears the mantilla to Mass every Sunday!

  3. Dear Anonymous, I've seen your comments, but I don't wish to publish them, as I what you are describing sounds too bizarre, and frankly rather perverse! I do hope this "strict dress code" doesn't put the girls off for the rest of their lives ... as to the boys, do they have to follow the same procedure???
