
Monday, September 24, 2018

And They lived Happily ever After!

Some folk think I just make First Holy Communion dresses. It's not true! Here is the latest silk and lace wedding dress and pure silk veil, made for a fairytale princess (as she laughingly told me that's how the receptionists at her block of flats used to think of her..)

I don't know, I think they might be right!

(photo stolen from one of the guests fb page!)

(Anna Pimenta Photography)


  1. You’ve done it again! What a lovely dress!
    And what a blessing that the bride was able to enter into the matrimonial covenant so beautifully & modestly adorned for her husband!!

  2. Beautiful dress! Is it made from white or ivory silk?

    1. Thank you Justine. It is a white silk, but it was also available in ivory at the time I made the dress.
