Saturday, February 17, 2018

Lenten Array

Haven't had much time for posting lately, as I've just finished a wedding dress, and then was asked to make a Lenten Chasuble and Dalmatic in time for Ash Wednesday. I didn't get a single photo of the wedding dress, so I'm hoping I'll get some from the Bride once she's settled in to married life!

I made sure I got some of the Lenten Array. It is quite unusual in Catholic Churches these days, but apparently it was an old English tradition to have very plain vestments from the beginning of Lent, then changing to violet for Passiontide.

I availed myself of my new "studio" cutting floor. It's great to have a large space to lay out swathes of pure Irish linen, and wonderful silk when making large items.

Although the linen is plain, with the red lining, and orphrey bands it does look quite striking.

Maniple burse and veil.

 Father asked for a Gothic style Chasuble, which is appropriate to the architectural style of his Church. This is the Church interior with its Lenten hangings for Altar and Tabernacle in place.

As Father offers Mass in both the Usus Antiquior, and the Novus Ordo, he needed a Dalmatic for the Deacon who assists on Sundays.

It was quite a tall order, since I only had about 3 weeks to get the fabric ordered, and make everything up - the hardest thing being that I needed to make up all the orphrey bands by cutting strips from the red silk lining fabric, and attaching the dice braid down each side - very time-consuming! Needless to say I was hand-finishing the items right up to Shrove Tuesday evening!

  Father Reads the Gospel on Ash Wednesday

Father descends the Altar at the end of Mass.

Now I've just got 2 chasubles to restore/make, three altar frontals, and two tabernacle veils, plus another wedding dress ... won't have much time to post for the near future!


  1. Wow! I'm amazed that you finished it all in time! Bionic fingers hmmm? Very nice.
    I'm also drooling over your lovely "cutting room floor" space! Even nicer!

  2. oh yes Mrs Pitts knits! Wish I didn't have to travel so far to my "studio".
